The Colorado Crime Of Murder In The Second Degree 18-3-103
To understand the Colorado Criminal Code and more specifically the charge or charges in the Complaint and Information or Grand Jury Indictment against you – you need TWO things.
I. You Will Need To Understand The Actual Statutory Crime With Which You Have Been Charged
– The statute, as of 2016, appears first on this page.
II. You Will Also Need To Understand How The Jury Or Judge Reads The Elements – ( a jury instruction “breakout” of the necessary parts or list of things that make up the crime)
– The Jury Instructions for most of the main forms of the crimes with which individuals are charged – appears after a reprint of the statute defining the crime.
The Colorado Statutory Crime Of Murder In the Second Degree 18-3-103
18-3-103. Murder in the second degree
(1) |
A person commits the crime of murder in the second degree if the person knowingly causes the death of a person. |
(2) |
Diminished responsibility due to self-induced intoxication is not a defense to murder in the second degree. |
(2.5) |
(Deleted by amendment, L. 96, p. 1844, §12, effective July 1, 1996.) |
(3) |
(a) |
Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection (3), murder in the second degree is a class 2 felony. |
(b) |
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection (3), murder in the second degree is a class 3 felony where the act causing the death was performed upon a sudden heat of passion, caused by a serious and highly provoking act of the intended victim, affecting the defendant sufficiently to excite an irresistible passion in a reasonable person; but, if between the provocation and the killing there is an interval sufficient for the voice of reason and humanity to be heard, the killing is a class 2 felony. |
(4) |
A defendant convicted pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be sentenced by the court in accordance with the provisions of section 18-1.3-406. |
The Colorado Jury Instruction For The Crime of Murder In The Second Degree 18-3-103
The elements of the crime of murder in the second degree are:
1. That the defendant,
2. in the State of Colorado, at or about the date and place charged,
3. knowingly,
4. caused the death of another person.
[5. and that the defendant’s conduct was not legally authorized by the affirmative defense[s] in Instruction[s] ____.]
To enlarge the Colorado Felony Sentencing Chart Click once – then click again on the next page:

Article NameThe Colorado Crime Of Murder In The Second Degree 18-3-103
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H. Michael Steinberg Esq.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
The Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm of H. Michael Steinberg
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