The concept behind this website is to provide concerned Colorado individuals with as much information as they might need to aid in their understanding of the criminal legal process as it pertains to violent crimes including the most common of these - assault crimes. According the FBI, Americans have a far greater chance of being involved in a violent crime victim than of being injured in a motor vehicle accident

A broad definition of a violent crimes include crime is one where intentional harm is inflicted against another individual during the commission of the crime. That harm can involve the use of weapons, poison, bodily contact, and more. These are the kind of Colorado charges that require an experienced Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

When a crime is identified as a "violent crime" it is most likely a felony which is punishable by a sentence to the Colorado Department of Corrections (prison not county or local jail)

Please feel free to contact me 24-7-365 to discuss your case...

After more than 40 years - H. Michael is a Seasoned and Experienced Attorney for Criminal Charges in Denver, the Front Range and All of Colorado.
The concept behind this website is to provide concerned Colorado individuals with as much information as they might need to aid in their understanding of the criminal legal process as it pertains to violent crimes including the most common of these - assault crimes. According the FBI, Americans have a far greater chance of being involved in a violent crime victim than of being injured in a motor vehicle accident

A broad definition of a violent crimes include crime is one where intentional harm is inflicted against another individual during the commission of the crime. That harm can involve the use of weapons, poison, bodily contact, and more. These are the kind of Colorado charges that require an experienced Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyer

When a crime is identified as a "violent crime" it is most likely a felony which is punishable by a sentence to the Colorado Department of Corrections (prison not county or local jail)

Please feel free to contact me 24-7-365 to discuss your case...

After more than 40 years - H. Michael is a Seasoned and Experienced Attorney for Criminal Charges in Denver, the Front Range and All of Colorado.
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    Emergency (24/7): 720-220-2277
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    FAX (Toll Free): 1-877-533-6276
    Mail / Courier: Law Office of H. Michael Steinberg
    The Edward Building
    8400 East Prentice Ave,
    Penthouse 1500
    Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111

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    H. Michael Steinberg Esq.
    Attorney and Counselor at Law
    The Colorado Criminal Defense Law Firm of H. Michael Steinberg
    A Denver, Colorado Lawyer Focused Exclusively On
    Colorado Criminal Law For Over 40 Years.
    The Edward Building
    8400 East Prentice Ave, Penthouse 1500
    Greenwood Village, Colorado, 80111
    Primary Web Site:
    Colorado Criminal Law Blog:
    Main:  303.627.7777
    Cell:  720.220.2277
    24/7 Pager:  303.543.4433
    FAX (Toll Free):  1.877.533.6276
    Always investigate a lawyer's qualifications and experience before making a
    decision to retain that lawyer or, for that matter, any professional any field.